My poor husband! Every time I suggest some "small project" that I want to do (but know that I am physically unable to do it without his help), he shudders! "You know, every project isn't as 'small' as it sounds," he says.
So, some of "my small projects" that he's been roped into have been the following:
Painting the Living Room and Ceiling. Sand and Paint the Trim as well.
Mount TV on the wall-check! Build shelves for DVDs-does buying them count?
New counter top-check! Securing it to old cabinets-not done yet.
Sand and stain old cabinets-um well . . . this project has gone on for at least 2 years. Slowly but surely, it will get done.
Who could live with that awful green inside those cabinets anyway?
I (meaning Dale) finally got my new hardware on my cabinets. Now "I " just have to fill the old, existing holes from the previous handles before "I" stain them.
We won't even mention "The List" that is building as we speak.
Of course, my poor husband has lists of his own, but he will never have time to start or finish his, just because mine are "more important". I will tell you though, I did sacrifice a Saturday to help "organize" the garage. Of course, it was my idea and probably made a bigger mess than intended.
Oh well! So goes the cycle!
So, some of "my small projects" that he's been roped into have been the following:
Painting the Living Room and Ceiling. Sand and Paint the Trim as well.
Who could live with that awful green inside those cabinets anyway?
We won't even mention "The List" that is building as we speak.
Of course, my poor husband has lists of his own, but he will never have time to start or finish his, just because mine are "more important". I will tell you though, I did sacrifice a Saturday to help "organize" the garage. Of course, it was my idea and probably made a bigger mess than intended.
Oh well! So goes the cycle!
Everything looks great!! I am a project-girl, too. I love doing stuff around the house, but it always turns into something bigger than I thought.