Monday, June 6, 2011

What to Blog About . . . Hmn?

Doesn't seem like Dale or I have been getting much sleep lately. Dale's new work schedule requires him to be to work at 6pm so that he gets off by 2:30 (home by 3). A week of that already and we all seem to love it. It's the trying to get to bed early enough so he can get up early enough part that is the killer--especially when he has a very talkative wife. Needless to say, we didn't get fall asleep last night until after 11:30pm. It was really hard for Dale to get up this morning.
Of course me, on the other hand, didn't get any sleep last night, but that is due to the "4 week-to-go watermelon" in my belly. You know, it's bad enough when you go to the doctor's office and his first words to you are, "You're still pregnant?" YES!!!!! I AM!!!!! And you are NOT helping! What am I paying you for anyways?! UGH!
[Deep Breath!]
[Deep Breath!]
Clara had a fun weekend! We tried to take the training wheels off her bike, but soon realized that she didn't have her "balance" down. Kind of important, if you want to ride your bike without training wheels. The lesson we learned from that: just because your friends are doing it, doesn't mean you should do it too. When Clara is ready, then we will help her, until then, we are all perfectly content with the training wheels.

James {poor boy} had a temperature this weekend, which also added to the "lack of sleep" for mommy. He was very groggy throughout the day, and ran around in his diaper all weekend to try and stay cool. By Sunday, he was back to his normal, busy self. However, mommy might have caught something from him.
Dale took a few pictures but as you can tell from this long post and it being 6:30 am [suppose to be sleeping, and not getting up until 8am], we will have to post them later.
Hope everyone is having a great summer!

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