Just a few pictures of Charlie's Graduation that happened nearly a month ago that never made it up. Charlie graduated from Parker College of Chiropractor--apparently, it's called Parker University now.
Annie, Will and their family made it from Nebraska. Tina and her boys were there. Tom flew in from Utah. Dan's family came. And of course, we were there with our 2 and mom and dad.
Dad was able to take a honorary walk with Charlie across the stage.
It was so awesome!
Nathan chillin'!
Dad and his three boys--of which he is so proud!
The proud and devoted wife!
Of course, when you are an "Alumni", you need a plastic license plate cover to show it off!
Rubbing elbows with the President of the College.
Thanks Charlie for graduating so that we all could get together for a "once in a lifetime" family picture!
Love y'all!
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