Friday, April 29, 2011

Sleepless Nights and Early Mornings

Not that I want to rant and rave about my "poor condition", but being pregnant is hard work. The 3rd trimester is treacherous! Sure, you're in the home stretch, but MAN! Can't I just get a little sleep. With the constant poking of whatever body parts are poking me, I just can't seem to get comfortable. Just when you think all is quiet and you're eye lids start to sink, BAM! She gives you a jab.

She also knows when daddy goes to work. About 45 minutes before daddy's alarm goes off, she wakes up and rolls, and jabs, and kicks! It's like this every morning. You know, it's bad enough when you have to wake up at 1am for your routine bathroom time, and then 15 minutes later, add a howling mother dog, who wants to escape the clutches of her own brood. (Yep! About 2 weeks ago, Bennett up and decides to have 6 puppies--something that caught everyone off guard. We didn't even know she was expecting.)

So now, I wait! Wait for the day I can reclaim what's left of my body, and it's bruised innards. Wait for the day we can sell the puppies--which will actually be in less time than my pregnancy's ending. And wait for the day that I can wake up from a well rested night--oh wait! I won't be having one of those ever again. That's something they should warn you about when you sign up for the "Mommy Card". You'll never sleep again!


  1. You forget about all the jabs and pokes - so thanks for the reminder. I don't envy that part of pregnancy at all!! Or the sickness. Or the sleepness nights.. At least you do get a little cuddly baby at the end!

  2. That is true! They do make alot of noise though--for something so tiny.
