Playing catch up isn't much fun, especially when you have big events with lots of pictures to post. But that is okay because this event is special. My little man turned "2" on March 20th. I can't believe the time that has flown by. James has been such a joy in our life, and finally coming into his own.
We celebrated like any other birthday, that falls on a Sunday, at my Grandpa Choo-Choo and Memee's house. This year we were complete with Thomas the Tank Engine decor.
And yes! I had to make another train cake. His first birthday, I made him a blue train, but this year, I went all out on the frosting. He knew what it was when I brought it out but was more intrigued with the fire from the candle. As we were taking pictures, he actually blew it out before any of us could get it on film. So, we had to relight it a couple of times to see if he'd do it again. Uh nope! He is a one-time type of guy.
He really liked the frosting, as all kids do, not so much the carrot cake part.
And he wasn't as messy as he was his first year, which was an easy clean-up.
Clara enjoyed the cake, several pieces to be exact.
She also liked to help out passing James his presents. She is such a BIG helper. We couldn't live without her!
James received some Thomas outfits.
He lit up for the Thomas quilt that memee put together for him.
He got a singing Thomas book, complete with a button that he can push anytime he wants to hear the Thomas theme song.
More clothes!
He got the starter set for Chuggington. He was so excited that he needed help with not ripping the box open.
Clara helped James put it together and they enjoyed many hours playing trains.
It was a very nice, train birthday! I wonder what he'll want next year.
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