This display was even bigger then pictured! WOW!! Look at all that honey! How do they judge the best honey? Can I be a judge next year?
We mainly took these pictures for Mom Pratt (and for Clara). You can't miss the "Poultry" section of the fair. My mother loves to see all the livestock and other little animals. Although it was a smelly place, and quite loud (I might add--James didn't care for this area) Clara and Daddy had a great time making fun of all the silly "roosters".
Wouldn't this be a lovely face to wake up in the morning to?! Now you know what Dale has to go through every morning. Poor Guy!
Isn't he just a handsome little stinker! Wouldn't he look better fried? Speaking of which, we didn't not eat anything deep-fried at the fair. Although, among the "Deep-Fried" things, I did see that they had fried Pickles, Twinkies, Cheese Curds, Cheesecake, and Apricots.
This was Clara's favorite part of the Fair. She loved to see all the bunnies. There were really small ones to "bigger than my dog" ones. Clara felt it was her job to make sure they all had water. So, she preceded to check every dish. What a silly girl!
As we were leaving the building, daddy pulls Clara over to get one last picture of "Daddy's Favorite" (the Dutch?).
All in all, we arrived there at noon and we didn't get home until 6 pm. So, if you guys ever want to visit us in September, we'll take you all to Free Day at the Fair. We're already planning for next year. I wonder what crazy things they'll deep-fry next. If they run out of butter, I know where they can get it from and its not far.
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