Christmas morning was nice and peaceful around here.

Everyone was sound asleep.

It wasn't long before we heard some shuffling in the Living Room.

Look at what Santa brought us!


Abbie figured it was like every morning, when she sits in her swing. Except everyone was louder than normal.

Daddy helped James find some goodies.

A tea set from Santa. You can guess what she wanted to do right away.

Santa brought Daddy some tools. Lucky for daddy, he doesn't have to use his really nice tools on crappy jobs. He can use these crappy tools instead.

James loved his remote car from Santa.

A Glow Worm for Abbie-just what she always wanted!

A Fancy Nancy game for Clara, which happens to be her new love.

A "replacement" waffle iron for mommy.
I can finally throw out the broken one and we can make waffles again!

More cars for James.

A Pink Giraffe from Grandma Bonnie for Abbie.

"Don't shoot your eye out" - just shoot the tree. I hope the scope is accurate.

Despite James' facial expression, he was really excited to get more presents at
Memee's house.

Clara LOVED the Sleeping Beauty bubble night light Grandpa
Choo got her.

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