So, this was Abbie's first year in going to the State Fair. It was very windy and hot-not the best conditions for a 2 month old.
The "butter sculpture"this year was cowboy monkeys playing on a cow and turtle. Really strange yet intriguing.

James saw this big pumpkin and called out "Pumkin Pie!" Apparently, that is what he calls pumpkins.

Here are some fun ways to decorate your gourds.

Since we have chickens of our own, it was actually fun this year to go to the Poultry building and look at "our" chickens. This is a Barred Rock. We have 2 of these, one that Clara calls "Snow White".

This is a Rhode Island Red. We have 8 of these girls and they are all called "Red". I know, original, right?!

If we were able to have a rooster, this is what the Rhode Island Red Roosters look like.
Very handsome!

We went to the petting zoo and saw all kinds of "exotic" animals.

The last place we visited was the vendors. We couldn't help but get Clara her "Halloween" costume. She looked too cute!
Like! The Nevada State Fair was canceled this year and might not return for a awhile due to financial issues. We might have to go to California State Fair next year, or to the Kansas State Fair!