We went to Texas for Thanksgiving. Like we usually do, we stopped for the night at Uncle Charlie and Aunt Kathleen's. Before we made our trip down to Houston, we made a pit stop at the North Park Mall, to see the trains. But first we had to stop by the Disney Store and see all the Princess things.
Clara LOVES Rapunzel!!! They had a HUGE section just for the "newest" princess. We couldn't help but try on Rapunzel's hair.
Side note: This was the first picture I took. Dale noticed the huge tag and fixed it for the previous picture. I included this one because of the toys and things in the background. You know, come to think of it, Clara's hair is about that long or pretty close.
Next was the Trains!
The front displays were so awesome.
All Aboard!!!
As we entered, we could hear the music from The Polar Express. We were greeted by this giant tree in the middle of the layout. It must of had at least 5-6 trains running in it or around it.
"The Trains at North Park" benefit the Ronald McDonald House. These trains on the wall are painted with names of people and families who have donated to the R.M. H. Couldn't count how many there were because they were everywhere.
Uncle Charlie was really impressed!
This is one of my favorite scenes because my dad and my husband were able to attend the Glenn Beck Rally earlier this year. They had a great time and were able to see this place in real life.
The Grand Canyon!
Clara's favorite place was the Fair Grounds. She loved to watch the rides go!
Grand Central Station!
Just so cool!
Uncle Chuck liked the Cotton Bowl Stadium!
Once James was let down, he ran right over to the glass and started to "Ooh!" and "Awe!" over everything.
He would press his face to the glass and watch the trains go by!
Clara soon joined him!
Uncle Chuck brought James over to see something interesting . . .
A "graveyard" for Cadillacs. It's a real place out West in Texas.
Again, my favorite scene.
San Fransisco!
Love the fall colors!
On to the gift shop!
Maybe a little train Christmas lights for grandpa? Actually, we did buy the string of lights for grandpa. After all, it was he who told us about the trains!
The official shirt.
James wanted to pick up the trains on the table. As a spawn of a train buff, I know how much these things cost and was really hesitant. But when the older gentleman clerk told us that they were wired down really well, and were there for little hands to touch . . .
I had Uncle Chuck pick James up to see his favorite train-Thomas!
In order for one to truly appreciate this hobby (like any hobby), one needs to be around it. For as long as I can remember, my dad has always had a train table in our basement. They were fun to watch, smelly (smoke from the steamies) but fun. I loved the accessories, the people and the houses. My brothers and I have always had trains around. So, it was only natural that when we all got married, our spouses (whether they liked it or not) were now exposed to the "Laughlin Family Love of Trains". Most, if not all, have been given a train or two from my father. It is a special way for my father to show his love. 
As our families grow, my dad has been deemed Grandpa Choo-Choo. When my children visit him, they can count on playing, running, or even watching trains. The memories that they build with him and his love for trains, I hope, will have an ever lasting imprint in their lives, and generations after them.
I love you, Grandpa Choo-Choo!
As our families grow, my dad has been deemed Grandpa Choo-Choo. When my children visit him, they can count on playing, running, or even watching trains. The memories that they build with him and his love for trains, I hope, will have an ever lasting imprint in their lives, and generations after them.
I love you, Grandpa Choo-Choo!
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