Friday, September 17, 2010

Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty!

Woke up one morning, and got James out of bed. Told him to go wake up Clara. Couldn't find him after a while. Decided to check on him. He had crawled up into bed and decided to lay down with Clara. I told him to wake her up . . . by giving her kisses!He tried his best.Didn't work! She sleeps like daddy.What a little prince!

Princess Cowgirl Party!

We decided to have a Princess Cowgirl Party for Clara's 5th birthday. We had pink and Blue cupcakes and chocolate and vanilla ice cream. We must of had 12-15 kids running around our little home. Every kid received a cowboy hat, bandanna, and water gun when they arrived.
The only game we played was pin the tail on the donkey. Clara was first, obviously. She did alright.The line to the donkey.Singing Happy Birthday to the birthday girl!Clara had a ton of presents. She loved them all!James loved the cupcakes!
We had a great time! Happy Birthday, cowgirl!