Sunday, December 25, 2011

December 9, 2011 - Illuminations

Every year, our family attends "Illuminations". This year, the new children's garden was all lit up as well. Oh, it was beautiful! We went with some friends of ours and their children. We took our traditional picture with Santa. I like this Santa a lot. Doesn't he look so jolly?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 16, 2011 - The First Snow

Doesn't this just get you in the mood for Christmas?
We had our First Snow and then a couple hours later, it was all gone. We haven't gotten anymore since.
Clara took the opportunity to make a snow angel. I love the facial features!As one of my many early Christmas gifts, I received an old, vintage sled. It's a beauty! Seeing this on our porch really has helped me feel Christmas-y.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 5, 2011 - Abbie 5 Months

Abbie is getting so big, and not just in ridges either.I didn't get any stats of her because our appointment with the doctor is at 6 months.
She likes to roll from her back to her side a lot and loves to watch her brother and sister jump around (which they do constantly) and play.

November 26, 2011 - Caden's Baptism

There's the Man! Caden was baptized.We are all so proud of him!

November 8, 2011 - Abbie's First Cereal

Well, I think she likes oatmeal.As my Grandma Bea says, "I think she'll winter!"

November 5, 2011 - Fall Family Pictures

Once cold, blustery Saturday morning in November, I woke my sweet, little family up, fed them a wonderful breakfast of Captain Crunch, got them all dressed up, and drug them to Botanica Garden.
This is our Fall 2011 session.
This is my favorite picture of Dale and the kids. I saw this idea on-line.
I took this picture without Abbie as a test shot. It turned out pretty good.My sweet, cold children.I love James' face! It's Classic!Here's the "best" shot with me and the kids. I Love how Clara is holding onto Abbie's head.
Happy Fall, Y'All!

Friday, December 9, 2011

October 31, 2011--Our House

Here is what our house looked like back in 2004.This is what it looks like now in 2011.Just a splash of color on the bricks and shutters, and viola!It looks completely different. Dale and I LOVE it! It is totally us!
No more white!
Here are the projects Dale's been working on lately.Dale built a new house for our chickens.The new one has more vents for the warm summer.And a roof that you can lift for the nests (and yes, he did finish painting it).Look eggs!
Also, the side roof opens up for easy cleaning.Lucky girls!

October 31, 2011--Halloween

"Charlie Brown" (minus "The Great Pumpkin"), Ladybug, Dinosaur, and "Fairy Princess" all hope you had a happy stomach-ache! I mean Halloween!

October 30, 2011--Family Come to Visit!!

With family in town and all the fun to be had, it's hard to get any good pictures.Here we are setting up to get a good family picture.
Nope I did not get the good picture uploaded because I do not have a copy.Charlie was getting some good photo tips from our photographer!After all was said and done, watching a movie with Uncle Charlie is simply the best!

October 22, 2011--Halloween Party

Note: It's hard to play catch-up, but it is my goal to get all caught up before the New Year.
So, for Halloween this year, we went to 3 different parties. The first one was at our local rec center. We had a lot of fun. I was "the Great Pumpkin" this year.Dale was "Charlie Brown".James was the cutest dinosaur and Clara was a "Fairy Princess".Poor Abbie! She was such a trooper! She was my ladybug. She was not too happy with the hood on.They really enjoyed going out this year--3 times!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Oct. 7, 2011 - A New Bike for James

What good is a bike for Christmas if it snows and you can't ride it?James didn't leave the box alone.He waited "patiently" for daddy to come and put it together.

Oct. 6, 2011 - Abbie at 3 Months

Here's my chubs at 3 months old. We didn't get Abbie's 3 months stats because we didn't have a well baby appointment scheduled. We know she is getting BIG!

Oct.2, 2011 - Look Mom, No Training Wheels!

Yep! It's official. Clara is growing up. We tried before to get her to ride her bike without training wheels, but she wasn't ready.
Now, look at her go!Such a big girl!

October 1, 2011 - James in the Bathroom

James is getting to be so independent.He wants to do everything himself.Sometimes he gets frustrated when he can't do things the way he wants to do them.But he generally gets things accomplished--the 2 year old way!