Monday, November 14, 2011

Oct. 7, 2011 - A New Bike for James

What good is a bike for Christmas if it snows and you can't ride it?James didn't leave the box alone.He waited "patiently" for daddy to come and put it together.

Oct. 6, 2011 - Abbie at 3 Months

Here's my chubs at 3 months old. We didn't get Abbie's 3 months stats because we didn't have a well baby appointment scheduled. We know she is getting BIG!

Oct.2, 2011 - Look Mom, No Training Wheels!

Yep! It's official. Clara is growing up. We tried before to get her to ride her bike without training wheels, but she wasn't ready.
Now, look at her go!Such a big girl!

October 1, 2011 - James in the Bathroom

James is getting to be so independent.He wants to do everything himself.Sometimes he gets frustrated when he can't do things the way he wants to do them.But he generally gets things accomplished--the 2 year old way!

Sept. 30, 2011 - A Typical Day

My morning usually consists of computer time before the kids get up. Well, when they wake up, this is how it looks.And then "little brother" becomes little brother and picks on big sister.
And so goes the day.Then its time to feed the chickens and play on the slide.Here is one of my girls.Dale started to prep our gardens for the fall. Here he is pulling out all the mint.Uh-oh! Where's James? I turn my back for one minute and he's in the chicken coop.You're not a chicken!But she is.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sept. 27th Clara's 2nd Tooth

Clara is such a big girl. She was so excited that the tooth fairy gave her a "golden dollar" that she was anxious for a revisit. So, out came her second tooth. If you look closely, you can see her other teeth are already trying to grow in.This tooth had a much longer root that wouldn't let go, but daddy was determined to get it out (since mommy pulled out the first one).

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

September 12, 2011-State Fair

So, this was Abbie's first year in going to the State Fair. It was very windy and hot-not the best conditions for a 2 month old.
The "butter sculpture"this year was cowboy monkeys playing on a cow and turtle. Really strange yet intriguing.
James saw this big pumpkin and called out "Pumkin Pie!" Apparently, that is what he calls pumpkins.Here are some fun ways to decorate your gourds.Since we have chickens of our own, it was actually fun this year to go to the Poultry building and look at "our" chickens. This is a Barred Rock. We have 2 of these, one that Clara calls "Snow White".This is a Rhode Island Red. We have 8 of these girls and they are all called "Red". I know, original, right?!If we were able to have a rooster, this is what the Rhode Island Red Roosters look like.
Very handsome!We went to the petting zoo and saw all kinds of "exotic" animals.The last place we visited was the vendors. We couldn't help but get Clara her "Halloween" costume. She looked too cute!