Monday, November 9, 2009

Primary Activity Family Night

What happens when you play a game with Clara? Well, unless your name is Clara, you never get to win, especially if you are daddy.Daddy's turn. Be careful!Our ward's Primary put on an activity where the family could come and play several games, as a family. We really enjoyed ourselves and created some good family memories. Dale and I really enjoyed watching Clara and her little friends play "Twister Moves". They were all hopping and dancing around. You had to have been there, I guess.

The Bike Twins

Daddy finally got his bike for his birthday. Now they can ride up and down the street or in the church parking lot while mommy is at Cub Scouts.
(Yes, Dale is wearing shorts sleeves in November-it was 78 degrees on Saturday.)

Leaves . . . GOOD!!!!

I spent all evening Friday and all morning Saturday raking leaves. When I was done, we had 6 HUGE piles of leaves in our front yard. Here's the kicker: We don't even have a tree in our yard. So, I thought I'd take the opportunity and take some pictures of the kids and the leaves. You know what you get when you have a 7 month old and leaves?
So I thought I'd distract him with the lens cap, but he still insisted.At least I got a good picture of Clara-dirty face and all.

Halloween Party!

We went to my parent's ward for Trunk-or-Treat. They had a huge party planned, including a pinata, cake walk, face painting, and other fun games.
Daddy helped Clara with the cake walk. It was funny to watch her count all the numbers. (She knows them all!)
She landed on number 11, and to both her and daddy's surprise, she won the first cupcake!! She was so proud of herself. I have never seen a kid snarf down a cupcake so fast!Here is our family: "Wendy"-mommy, "Cheese"-Baby James, "Tinker Bell"-Clara, and "Captain Hook"-daddy.

Clara's Big Girl Bike

For daddy's birthday, Clara got a bike. I know what you are thinking, that's a bit backwards. Well, daddy has been itching for all of us to get bikes so we can ride around the block and go to the park. So, Clara was the first to get a bike. She loves it so much she likes to ride it on a patio in the backyard.Doesn't she look so cute!

Let's Party!

We decided that Daddy deserved a party so we went to Memee and Grandpa's house. We had BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, chips, soda, and best of all OREO CHEESECAKE!!!! I attempted to make my very first cheesecake and added some Oreos in it (because they are Dale's favorite cookie). Everyone seemed to enjoy it-or at least no one is dead yet so that's a good thing right?!
This is what daddy looks like in the morning.
I think Baby James realized it wasn't his birthday.
There's my happy boy!
Daddy got a LED light for his computer,

A fan with interchangeable blades (he likes the pink one best!),
and a mini vacuum for his keyboard,
He was really excited to take everything back to work and show everyone just how geeky he REALLY is!

Birthdays are so very special-especially when they are Daddy's!

Daddies are simply the best, especially when it is their birthday. Clara, James, and mommy celebrated Daddy's birthday at home. We had only a few presents for him, since daddy has everything already. He had a lot of fun opening up his gifts.

He got a CTR tie from James.

Some John Bytheway videos from Clara.

And a Mesa Temple plate from mommy.
(No, you can't eat off it. Well, you could try, but it may ruin it.)